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Owning a waterfront property is a dream come true for many people. Indeed, the waterfront is a privileged place to recharge your batteries and forget the tumult of urban life. This type of development offers a space for relaxation, well-being and contemplation. With summer just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to think about landscaping your yard. However, you’ll need to know a few basics before you begin your project. 

In this article, find out how to create your dream waterfront landscape to impress your guests!

A Superior Quality of Life

Living by the water is a lifestyle that many dream of! That’s why, in the past years, transforming your waterfront yard into a recreational space has become very popular. 

Owning a home on the waterfront offers many advantages: beautiful scenery, spectacular sunrises and sunsets, tranquility and a soothing environment all around. In addition, you will have the opportunity to practise sports such as kayaking, water skiing and many other activities. Your quality of life will be greatly enhanced, and you will not want to leave your backyard.


Cozy Furnishings

To add a touch of coziness, you’ll need to choose your outdoor furniture well. To do so, Pinterest or Google can be excellent sources of inspiration. That said, there are several important factors to consider before choosing your furniture, including materials, maintenance and how you will use it. 

When choosing your furniture, don’t forget to pay special attention to its quality since it will be exposed to all kinds of weather. If you want them to last, choose materials that are adapted to all conditions.

You can choose between wood, metal, synthetic resin, natural rattan or synthetic rattan furniture. The materials of your outdoor furniture will vary its durability, as well as its maintenance. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Metal furniture should be cleaned with a sponge or soft cloth and soap water. 
  • Rattan furniture, whether it’s synthetic or not, will require less care. You can simply rinse it with your garden hose. 
  • Wooden furniture should be placed in the shade to protect it from the sun. 

Don’t neglect the comfort of your furniture! Since you will often be outside enjoying your yard, make sure you choose items that offer a good ratio of durability and comfort. In fact, for a cozy corner, choose the right furniture location on your balcony or in your garden. Then, you can enhance your space with accessories, such as cushions, to add a touch of coziness. 

Finally, you should think about storing your furniture for winter. You can store it in a shed, in a garage or in your house to protect it from our harsh winters.


The Importance of Plants

Plants are not only important when it comes to aesthetics in landscaping. They also have an ecological role for the shoreline since they help protect the ecosystem. The roots of the plants help to keep the soil stable and prevent erosion. They also filter the water that accumulates. Therefore, it’s essential to choose plants that are adapted to semi-dry and humid ground.

Plant Selection 

If you prefer plants to trees for your waterfront landscaping, you should prioritize herbaceous plants, like perennials that regenerate from year to year. These plants require little maintenance and often produce beautiful flowers. They also grow quickly, so there’s no need to be patient!

You can also plant vines or shrubs. These plants create deep roots, which greatly help soil stability and prevent erosion. They also produce flowers and berries. 

Also, consider incorporating Balsam Myrtle, Prickly Iris and Broad-leaved Meadowsweet to enhance your yard!

Add Trees to Your Relaxation Area 

Trees are ideal for waterfront landscaping. They help protect the shoreline from the wind as well as the sun. By incorporating them into your layout, you will also bring calm, shade and privacy to your yard.

Some trees are better suited to life on the shore of a lake, river or wetland. It’s the case for the Amur Maple and the Saskatoon Berry. You can consult with waterfront landscaping experts to help you decide which trees are best for your environment. 

Rules to Follow for a Waterfront Development

Developing a waterfront project is permitted. However, you must follow the rules put in place by the Government of Quebec on the protection of the shoreline. Your municipality may also have stricter rules of its own. In other words, to properly develop your property, it’s essential to take into account the type of waterway that surrounds you. For example, it is prohibited to: 

  • do any work that may damage the waterline vegetation cover, or leave the soil bare
  • dig into the shoreline
  • cut trees or shrubs to plant grass
  • use pesticides within the first three metres of the shoreline
  • alter the course of a watercourse
  • build dams or dikes for private or agricultural purposes
  • build a boat launch with impervious materials such as concrete or asphalt
  • add sand to a beach
  • add a beach

You will need to check with a landscaping expert or your municipality to find out what is and is not allowed before planning your yard landscaping.

Once the ideas and inspirations are there and you know more about the regulations, all you have to do is make your project happen. Download our free guide: The 7 Must-See Steps to Your Dream Landscaping Project!
